Image of iBeani Quishion - Combination Throw, Blanket and Cushion

Dive into Comfort with the iBeani Quishion: Your All-in-one Throw, Blanket, and Cushion.

"Soft, light, easy to fold and versatile - easy to recommend over a traditional cushion due to it's versatility. Quality pretty much justifies the price."

Hello fellow outdoor enthusiasts, it's your favourite seasoned camper, Geoff K. Now let's not get too surprised with today's product on our review - the iBeani Quishion, a hybrid of a throw, blanket, and cushion. I'm a classic canvas man with my trusty four-footed companion, Jess, snuggled beside me under the night sky. But, when this intriguing item crossed my path, I had to give it a whirl.

Having pitched my tent from the rocky landscapes of Scotland, to the seedy pine woods of Finland, I've more than four decades of camping experience under my belt, or more aptly, my sleeping bag. This has taught me the importance of smart packing and choosing versatile gear. So, when comfort, practicality, and portability promise to come in one nifty package, you bet it gets my undivided attention.

Without further ado, let's dive into the world of the iBeani Quishion and see whether this product can make the rough wilds a bit more comfy, and whether Jess approves, of course! Brace yourselves, this is not your regular product review, it’s all about a seasoned camper's perspective on a bit of newfangled comfort!


The iBeani Quishion can function as both a cushion and a full-sized quilt or blanket. Unzipping and unfolding into a quilt takes mere seconds. The product offers a space-efficient solution due to its dual use. In its cushion form, the dimensions are 45 x 45 cm. When expanded into a quilt or blanket, it measures 190 x 140cm. It boasts high-quality manufacturing and provides warmth and comfort either as a cushion or a blanket. Additionally, the iBeani Quishion's design and functionality make it suitable to be used as a home, caravan, camping, or travel accessory.

Weight1.18 kgs
Dimensions45 x 45 => 190 x 140 cm


The iBeani Quishion serves as a swiss-army knife of comfort for those seeking warmth and convenience in the wilderness. As an outdoor enthusiast myself, I can vouch for the Quishion's versatile use - a comfortable cushion serving as seat padding during the daylight and transforming into a cosy, toasty blanket for the chills during the night, just as quickly as it takes to unzip it. Its efficient size allows it to easily pack up, making it an invaluable addition to our motorhome, on our travel sojourns or fishing retreats.

The quality of the Quishion does not disappoint. Its manufacturing standards are top-notch, causing no compromises on the warmth and snug comfort one gains from this product, be it as a scatter cushion or as an unzipped toasty quilt that is significantly large. This isn't a product that only shines in practicality but also scores in aesthetics. It's a well-made contemporary scatter cushion to start with and the visual appeal doesn't reduce a bit when it's a full-fledged quilt.

The Quishion has been a hit among my fellow campers too. Given that it's such a valuable addition to their camping gear, the price point hasn't deterred them. As campers, we often are on uncharted paths, embracing the challenges and tranquility nature unfurls. The iBeani Quishion only adds a touch of cosiness and convenience in such adventures. It's not just a product, it's an experience that enhances our camping escapades.

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Despite the clever concept of the iBeani Quishion, the quality of the product leaves a little to be desired. The fabric feels slightly rough, akin to a material that's been washed multiple times and lost its soft and smooth texture. Additionally, there were a few loose threads which further indicated that the quality was not top-notch. While the size of the cushion is decent, it's smaller than an average throw cushion, which can be a bit disappointing.

The iBeani Quishion also falls short when it comes to value for money. The price is a bit steep considering the quality of the product. While it's nicely packaged and could be given as a gift, the cost to quality ratio is not quite perfect. The throw, when opened, is not as thick as one would expect, although it does provide enough warmth. Overall, while the iBeani Quishion is a decent product, it may not be worth the investment for some.

Should You Buy?Image of iBeani Quishion - Combination Throw, Blanket and Cushion

In summary, the iBeani Quishion is a fascinatingly versatile product, perfect for those who enjoy the great outdoors. It's a feat of convenience, quickly transforming from a cushion to a blanket as required, and is compact enough to join me on various adventures, from travels in our motorhome to quiet fishing retreats. The quality seemingly matches its functionality - warm, cosy, and pleasing both as a contemporary scatter pillow and a full-scale quilt. It's definitely more than just a product, it's an accessory that profoundly enhances our wilderness experiences.

However, it's not without its shortcomings. I found the quality of fabric to be underwhelming, feeling inferior and lacking the delightful softness you'd want from a product of this kind. I also spotted some loose threads - not an encouraging sign, but easy to fix. Additionally, the size may leave you feeling shortchanged if you're expecting a full-sized throw pillow, and the cost to quality ratio might not hit the mark for some.

So, to address whether the iBeani Quishion is worth the investment, weighing up the balance between the convenience and the quality is the key. If you place higher importance on the utility, versatility, and compactness, overlook the fabric quality and size issues, this could be an exceptionally handy addition to your outdoor activities. Its transformed usability makes it an easy recommendation over a traditional cushion. That said, for those seeking premium quality, the iBeani Quishion might not fully satisfy. In a nutshell, for an outdoor enthusiast like me, despite the flaws, the Quishion's versatility and utility make it worth having around. Ultimately, you'll have to decide what your camping comfort essentials are and gauge whether the Quishion aligns with them.

(Price When Reviewed: £29.99)


Image of Geoff K.
Geoff K.

Co-founder of Destiny River, with over forty years of experience camping throughout Europe, I'm happier sleeping under canvas than sleeping under a roof! I hope to inspire others to appreciate and protect the remarkable landscapes that our planet has to offer.

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